By Esteemed Member/Creative Director Brother Andy
On the surface, Dolce Vita di
Libro is a book club like so many others. People read books, people discuss,
people eat and drink...
Yet, as an artist who is way, way
out of "the box", Dolce Vita di Libro has afforded me the extraordinary
opportunity to showcase whatever talents I may have in a safe, nonjudgmental
atmosphere -- and at my own pace and in my own manner. Creative-types such as
Esteemed Members Jennifer Johnson, Peggy Vermeer and Davidro give unparalleled
support and encouragement to all contributions, from whoever or wherever they
may come from. The freethinking group is actually made up of personal
expressions of each member, brought together, and openly shared to an amazing
level, and unified under the goal of "fun". I am the living embodiment -- "The DVdL
Poster Boy" -- of how an overly-opinionated individual can be a part of a
"community", maintain politeness, and still retain an independent
thinker status. We're like Burning Man -- only with a lot less naked people and
without the messy bonfire.
As a performer and film-maker, a
platform is provided by DVdL in which to delve into odd-ball characters and strange
situations I would not have envisioned for myself or would ever be asked to do
in any other context. The crazy video vignettes I've written, produced, starred
in and posted represent a personal challenge. DVdL is a stage, of sorts, and I
can be whatever I choose and change things up, if I want to. Plus, Esteemed
Members are now joining in on these productions and have had a blast dressing
up, acting the fool, and putting on a show.
Why not?
The DVdL blog has been a run-away
train of a learning-curve. Every day
brings surprises. The kindly compliments
of Esteemed Members such as Jacqueline Wachs, Stacie Khouri, Rosemary Flaherty,
Arlene Dulaney, Debbie Ray Sconlon and Francesca Johnson are heart-warming and
humbling. Now, the blog is being acknowledged by businesses as a great promotional avenue while supporting what DVdL stands for.
As someone who wasn't properly
educated, I find myself in the midst of very worldly, extremely articulate,
compassionate people who understand and appreciate literature and its place in
culture. These are people -- Esteemed
Member Catherine Tracey, for instance -- who know what they are talking about
and have no problem finding the answer to something they don't know.
Intelligence is earned by hard work, from what I can see, different from simply
being a "smart" person.
As a budding businessman, the
network of successful DVdL Members who can make commitments and follow through
is inspiring. Esteemed Members such as
Nedra Young and Hunter Johnson have taught me about analytical thinking,
respect and responsibility, and particularly the machinations of how the world
works through society's political, religious and corporate structures which are
aspects of life I have only had minor experiences with first-hand. It's
awe-inspiring to see someone walk in the room prepared, confident, listening,
and bringing something valuable to the table.
As someone who lives with the
condition of Asperger's Syndrome, my natural tendencies are to be anti-social,
withdraw, to feel overwhelmed or unable to fulfill social expectations. Dolce Vita di Libro is a calling card for me
to go to places I wouldn't have gone otherwise and approached a stranger who
quickly becomes an acquaintance due to the common language of intellectual and
fine living pursuits that Dolce Vita di Libro represents. DVdL gives me
credibility -- even if it's in my own mind -- and sometimes, for extroverted
introverts such as I am, that's all you need as a more-than-handy tool to get
on with it. Dolce Vita di Libro's sincerity when it comes to community service
gives me a meaning and purpose which helps fuel my efforts.
As an average person, even in the
short time the group has assembled, I have acquired many wonderful
memories. The laughing, the insights,
the hopes and aspirations have been cherished gifts, particularly appreciative
for someone whose life hasn't always been as happy as it could have been. My world-view has widened in the last couple
of months. I have learned that people inherently seek education and
entertainment as they search for ways to connect. Part of what they are looking for is the
essence of self in relationship to the world -- self-actualization -- and DVdL
provides the vehicle in which to experience various aspects of life that are
worthy of celebrating -- The Sweet Life (of books and otherwise).
DVdL is now an important part of
my life, part of my history, part of my daily living, giving me -- at least at
present -- a broadening context. Dolce
Vita di Libro is no ordinary book club, and never will be, because the members
are extraordinary. Thanks to each and
every one of you for allowing me to be a part of who you are and supporting
what it is that I do.
The future? Hmmm...
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